Interactive Fiction by Y9 Students

As one of our short elective activities during Advisory time, a group of 9 students and I have been studying and writing Interactive Fiction for a few hours. This is their masterpiece, written during our fourth and final class together: J.B. Priestley's "An Inspector Calls" didn't have to happen the way it did... Not if … Continue reading Interactive Fiction by Y9 Students

Strong Emotions about TOK

I started the year feeling slightly worried about IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK). This is the first semester I've been incorporating some of the recent changes to the program, including the addition of "Indigenous Knowledge Systems", a new Area of Knowledge (AOK) which I felt strangely uncomfortable about or perturbed by upon first hearing of it. I've spent … Continue reading Strong Emotions about TOK

Minecraft Mania – Course 5 Final Project Reflection

I'd like to briefly describe the project under consideration at the start here: it's a narrated video tourist guide to a virtual structure based on a real-world building or artwork from the Renaissance or an important historical empire, for Grade 7 MYP Humanities. However, due to technical issues involved in setting up server space for … Continue reading Minecraft Mania – Course 5 Final Project Reflection